Developer Guide¶
Coding Standards¶
Code Formatting¶
The library was initially developedd on PyCharm IDE, which has a built-in PEP8 checker. The code should be PEP8 compliant, with the exception of the line length, which is set to 120 characters.
Please refer to the [PEP8 Style Guide]( for more information.
And with regards to the pycharm settings, please refer to the [PyCharm PEP8 Settings]( for more information.
File Naming¶
FIle naming should be in lowercase, with underscores separating words. For example, Please use meaningful names for files, and avoid generic names such as For more information, please refer to the [PEP8 Style Guide](
The library maintains a folder structure, which is described in the [Folder Structure](#folder-structure) section. so when creating a new file, please make sure to place it in the correct folder. If the file is a new module, please make sure to add it to the file in the relevant folder.
Folder Structure¶
The main functionalities each have their own folder, and each folder has its own file, which imports the relevant modules. The folder structure is as follows:
drone-buddy-library/ * dist/ * docs/ * docs-sphinx/ * dronebuddylib/
atoms/ * bodyfeatureextraction/ * facerecognition/ * intentrecognition/ * objectdetection/ * speechgeneration/ * speechrecognition/ * textrecognition/
The architecture for the library is as follows:
The class diagram for the library can be found here: [Class Diagram](
The library is divided into atoms and molecules, which are described in the [Library Structure](#library-structure) section. The atoms are the basic building blocks of the library, and the molecules are the higher level functionalities, which are built using the atoms.
Library Structure¶
In this section, we will describe the structure of the library, and the different modules that it contains.
### Atoms
If you believe the the functionality you plan is a very basic building box, and can be used in multiple molecules, then it should be an atom.
Each atomic module can have multiple implementations of the functionality and the user can choose which one to use by passing the relevant parameters to the molecule.
An atomic module has the following structure:
if we take object detection atomic module as an example
objectdetection/ * * * * * *
The is an implementation of the abstract class IDBLFunction.
Basic structure of¶
IDBLFunction is an abstract class that defines the high-level structure for the atomic module. It has the following structure:
class IDBLFunction(ABC):
def __init__(self):
def get_required_params(self) -> list:
def get_optional_params(self) -> list:
def get_class_name(self) -> str:
def get_algorithm_name(self) -> str:
This abstract class acts as a guideline for the future implementations of the atomic module. Here,
get_required_params() defines the parameters that are compulsory for the implementations to work, for examples API_KEYS as such. The enums should be defined at models/ and then used in the get_required_params() method. These will be passed the engine using EngineConfigurations class, after which will be validated by crosschecking the defined values in thee implementation class.
Defining enums in
OBJECT_DETECTION_MP_MODELS_PATH is formed by get_class_name() + configuration name and should be in uppercase.
get_optional_params() defines the parameters that are optional for the implementations to work, for examples fine tuning parameters as such.
get_class_name() returns the name of the class, which is used to identify the class in the AtomicEngineConfigurations class.
get_algorithm_name() returns the name of the algorithm.
Implementations of¶
The naming convention for the implementation class is AlgorithmName + EngineName + Impl, for example YoloObjectDetectionImpl.
When it comes to the implementation of the interface, .. important:
always verify the parameters passed to the implementation class using the `config_validity_check()` method.¶
The is the engine that is used to run the atomic module. It acts as a wrapper for the implementations of the feature. The engine exposes the methods available to be used. The purpose of this engine is to reduce the complexity for the clients so they don’t have to worry about initializing the correct algorithm. The engine also handles the configuration of the algorithm, and the parameters passed to it.
def __init__(self, algorithm: VisionAlgorithm, config: EngineConfigurations):
Initializes the object detection engine with the specified algorithm and configuration.
algorithm (VisionAlgorithm): The vision algorithm to be used for object detection.
config (EngineConfigurations): The configuration for the vision engine.
if algorithm == VisionAlgorithm.YOLO:
logger.log_info('Preparing to initialize YOLO object detection engine.')
from dronebuddylib.atoms.objectdetection.yolo_object_detection_impl import YOLOObjectDetectionImpl
self.vision_engine = YOLOObjectDetectionImpl(config)
elif algorithm == VisionAlgorithm.MEDIA_PIPE:
logger.log_info('Preparing to initialize Mediapipe object detection engine.')
from dronebuddylib.atoms.objectdetection.mp_object_detection_impl import MPObjectDetectionImpl
self.vision_engine = MPObjectDetectionImpl(config)
The library uses the Logger class to log messages. The logger class is defined in utils/ The class includes the following methods:
log_info(class_name, info_message) - logs an info message in YELLOW.
log_warning(class_name, warning_message) - logs a warning message in CYAN.
log_error(class_name, error_message) - logs an error message in RED.
log_debug(class_name, debug_message) - logs a debug message in BLUE.
Please use these methods to appropriately log messages, and do not use the print() function.
Release drone-buddy-library¶
#. Install build, [build]( .. code-block:: bash
pip install build
#. Install twine, [twine]( .. code-block:: bash
pip install –upgrade twine
If new methods that needs to be exposed by the library are introduced, declare the method names and all helper classes in the
Always remember that the file is the entry point for the library, so the methods that you declare in the file will be exposed to the user and will be compiled when installing the library. So if you dont need to import the dependencies on installation do not mention the classes explicitly in the file
Update the version number in the file and the files.
The version number should be in the format of major.minor.patch, for example 1.0.0. You can utilize the test_update_version class to update the version number in the file and the files.
If there are any libraries required for the execution mention them in in install_requires=[]
It is good practice to declare the dependencies required to use each module. This can be done using specifying the dependencies as follows
"FACE_RECOGNITION": ['face-recognition'],
"INTENT_RECOGNITION_GPT": ['openai', 'tiktoken'],
"OBJECT_DETECTION_MP": ['mediapipe'],
"OBJECT_DETECTION_YOLO": ['ultralytics'],
"TEXT_RECOGNITION": ['google-cloud-vision'],
"SPEECH_RECOGNITION_MULTI": ['SpeechRecognition'],
Here the key is the name of the module and the value is the list of dependencies required to use the module. With this users will be able to install the dependencies required for the modules that they want to use by the following command:
pip install dronebuddylib[<module_name>]
Release the library¶
#. Build the library .. code-block:: bash
python sdist
This step creates a .tar.gz file in the dist file. Double check if the file created has the corrected version number
#. Create the wheel file .. code-block:: bash
py -m build
When this step executes, .whl file will be created with the version number. Double check this too
Upload the library to pypi or test pypi
if using the testpypi environment, use the following command .. code-block:: bash
python -m twine upload –repository testpypi dist/*
if using the pypi environment, use the following command .. code-block:: bash
python -m twine upload –repository pypi dist/*
YOu will be prompted for the username and password. Use the credentials of the dronebuddy account
#. Write to .. _Email to Malsha:
Email Malsha at
to get the credentials, or if you have authorization to access the credentials visit the [Dronebuddy folder](
- Once the library is uploaded, you can view it at
*. *.
Sphinx Documentation¶
The library uses Sphinx to generate documentation. The documentation is generated in the docs-sphinx folder.
Make sure each module has a file and all the classes that you need to generate documentation for are imported in the file.
Install Sphinx, [Sphinx](
#. Go to the docs-sphinx folder and run the following command .. code-block:: bash
sphinx-build -b html . _build -v
This will generate the .rst files in the docs-sphinx folder
#. Run the following command to generate the html files .. code-block:: bash
make html
The html files will be generated in the docs-sphinx/build/html folder
Publish to github pages¶
Move the html files to the docs folder
Commit and push the changes to the main branch
Go to the settings of the repository and scroll down to the GitHub Pages section
Select the main branch and the docs folder
Click on save
The documentation will be available at