Source code for dronebuddylib.atoms.bodyfeatureextraction.body_feature_extraction_impl

import pkg_resources
from import PoseLandmarkerResult

from dronebuddylib.atoms.bodyfeatureextraction.i_feature_extraction import IFeatureExtraction
from dronebuddylib.models.engine_configurations import EngineConfigurations
from dronebuddylib.models.enums import Configurations

import mediapipe as mp

from dronebuddylib.utils.utils import config_validity_check

BaseOptions = mp.tasks.BaseOptions
PoseLandmarker =
PoseLandmarkerOptions =
VisionRunningMode =

[docs] class BodyFeatureExtractionImpl(IFeatureExtraction): """ The BodyFeatureExtractionImpl class is used to extract features related to body postures from an image. built on top of Mediapipe's pose landmarking solution. for more information: """ def __init__(self, engine_configurations: EngineConfigurations): """ Constructor for the BodyFeatureExtractionImpl class. Args: engine_configurations (EngineConfigurations): The engine configurations object. """ super().__init__() self.hand_landmark = None self.gesture_recognition_model = None config_validity_check(self.get_required_params(), engine_configurations.get_configurations_for_engine(self.get_class_name()), self.get_algorithm_name()) self.configs = engine_configurations
[docs] def get_feature(self, image) -> list: """ Abstract method to get features from an image. This method should be implemented by subclasses. Args: image (list): The image to extract features from. Returns: list: The extracted features. """ pass
[docs] def get_supported_features(self) -> list: """ Get the list of supported features for the engine. Returns: list: The list of supported features. """ return ["POSE"]
[docs] def get_detected_pose(self, image) -> PoseLandmarkerResult: """ Get the detected pose from an image. Args: image (list): The numpy list image to detect the pose from. Returns: PoseLandmarkerResult: The detected pose. """ if self.configs.get_configuration(Configurations.HAND_FEATURE_EXTRACTION_ENABLE_GESTURE_RECOGNITION) is True: if self.configs.get_configuration( Configurations.HAND_FEATURE_EXTRACTION_GESTURE_RECOGNITION_MODEL_PATH) is not None: model_path = self.configs.get_configuration( Configurations.HAND_FEATURE_EXTRACTION_GESTURE_RECOGNITION_MODEL_PATH) else: model_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "bodyfeatureextraction/resources/posture_landmarker_heavy.task") options = PoseLandmarkerOptions( base_options=BaseOptions(model_asset_path=model_path), running_mode=VisionRunningMode.IMAGE) with PoseLandmarker.create_from_options(options) as landmarker: mp_image = mp.Image(image_format=mp.ImageFormat.SRGB, data=image) return landmarker.detect(mp_image)
[docs] def get_required_params(self) -> list: """ Get the required parameters for the class. Returns: list: The list of required parameters. """ return []
[docs] def get_optional_params(self) -> list: """ Get the optional parameters for the class. Returns: list: The list of optional parameters. """ return [Configurations.BODY_FEATURE_EXTRACTION_POSTURE_DETECTION_MODEL_PATH]
[docs] def get_class_name(self) -> str: """ Get the class name. Returns: str: The class name. """ return "BODY_FEATURE_EXTRACTION"
[docs] def get_algorithm_name(self) -> str: """ Get the algorithm name. Returns: str: The algorithm name. """ return "Body Feature Extraction"