Source code for dronebuddylib.atoms.objectdetection.object_detection_engine

from dronebuddylib.atoms.objectdetection.mp_object_detection_impl import MPObjectDetectionImpl
from dronebuddylib.atoms.objectdetection.yolo_object_detection_impl import YOLOObjectDetectionImpl
from dronebuddylib.models.engine_configurations import EngineConfigurations
from dronebuddylib.models.enums import VisionAlgorithm
from dronebuddylib.models.object_detected import ObjectDetectionResult

[docs] class ObjectDetectionEngine: def __init__(self, algorithm: VisionAlgorithm, config: EngineConfigurations): """ Initializes the object detection engine with the specified algorithm and configuration. Args: algorithm (VisionAlgorithm): The vision algorithm to be used for object detection. config (EngineConfigurations): The configuration for the vision engine. """ if algorithm == VisionAlgorithm.YOLO: self.vision_engine = YOLOObjectDetectionImpl(config) elif algorithm == VisionAlgorithm.MEDIA_PIPE: self.vision_engine = MPObjectDetectionImpl(config)
[docs] def get_detected_objects(self, frame) -> ObjectDetectionResult: """ Detects objects in a given frame using the specified vision algorithm. Args: frame: The input frame for which objects need to be detected. Returns: ObjectDetectionResult (ObjectDetectionResult): The result of the object detection, including a list of detected objects. """ return self.vision_engine.get_detected_objects(frame)
[docs] def get_bounding_boxes_of_detected_objects(self, frame) -> list: """ Retrieves bounding boxes for objects in a given frame using the specified vision algorithm. Args: frame: The input frame for which bounding boxes are to be retrieved. Returns: list: A list of bounding boxes for the detected objects. """ return self.vision_engine.get_bounding_boxes_of_detected_objects(frame)