Source code for dronebuddylib.atoms.objectdetection.yolo_object_detection_impl

import logging
import numpy as np
import pkg_resources
from ultralytics import YOLO
from PIL import Image
import cv2

from dronebuddylib.atoms.objectdetection.i_object_detection import IObjectDetection
from dronebuddylib.models.engine_configurations import EngineConfigurations
from dronebuddylib.models.enums import Configurations
from dronebuddylib.models.object_detected import ObjectDetected, BoundingBox, ObjectDetectionResult
from dronebuddylib.utils.utils import config_validity_check

[docs] class YOLOObjectDetectionImpl(IObjectDetection):
[docs] def get_class_name(self) -> str: """ Gets the class name of the object detection implementation. Returns: str: The class name of the object detection implementation. """ return 'OBJECT_DETECTION_YOLO'
[docs] def get_algorithm_name(self) -> str: """ Gets the algorithm name of the object detection implementation. Returns: str: The algorithm name of the object detection implementation. """ return 'YOLO V8 Object Detection'
def __init__(self, engine_configurations: EngineConfigurations): """ Initializes the YOLO V8 object detection engine with the given engine configurations. Args: engine_configurations (EngineConfigurations): The engine configurations for the object detection engine. """ super().__init__(engine_configurations) config_validity_check(self.get_required_params(), engine_configurations.get_configurations_for_engine(self.get_class_name()), self.get_algorithm_name()) configs = engine_configurations.get_configurations_for_engine(self.get_class_name()) model_name = configs.get(Configurations.OBJECT_DETECTION_YOLO_VERSION) if model_name is None: model_name = "" self.detector = YOLO(model_name) self.object_names = self.detector.names
[docs] def get_detected_objects(self, image) -> ObjectDetectionResult: """ Detects objects in the given image using YOLO V8 object detection engine. Args: image: The image to detect objects in. Returns: ObjectDetectionResult (ObjectDetectionResult): The result of the object detection, including a list of detected objects. """ results = self.detector.predict(source=image, save=True, save_txt=True) detected_objects = [] detected_names = [] # Save predictions as labels for result in results: for res in result.boxes.cls: detected = ObjectDetected([], BoundingBox(0, 0, 0, 0)) detected.add_category(self.object_names[int(res)], 0.0) detected_objects.append(detected) detected_names.append(self.object_names[int(res)]) return ObjectDetectionResult(detected_names, detected_objects)
[docs] def get_bounding_boxes_of_detected_objects(self, image) -> list: """ Gets the bounding boxes of objects detected in an image using YOLO V8 object detection engine. Args: image: The image to detect objects in. Returns: list: A list of bounding boxes corresponding to the objects detected in the image. """ # Additional logic for bounding boxes can be implemented here return []
[docs] def get_required_params(self) -> list: """ Gets the list of required configuration parameters for YOLO V8 object detection engine. Returns: list: The list of required configuration parameters. """ return [Configurations.OBJECT_DETECTION_YOLO_VERSION]
[docs] def get_optional_params(self) -> list: """ Gets the list of optional configuration parameters for YOLO V8 object detection engine. Returns: list: The list of optional configuration parameters. """ # Additional optional parameters can be added here return []