Source code for dronebuddylib.models.chat_session

import uuid
from typing import List, Dict

import openai
import requests

from dronebuddylib.exceptions.intent_resolution_exception import IntentResolutionException
from dronebuddylib.models.conversation import Conversation
from dronebuddylib.models.gpt_configs import GPTConfigs
from dronebuddylib.models.session_logger import SessionLogger
from dronebuddylib.models.token_counter import num_tokens_from_messages

[docs] class ChatSession: """ Represents a chat session. Each session has a unique id to associate it with the user. It holds the conversation history and provides functionality to get new response from ChatGPT for user query. """ def __init__(self, configs: GPTConfigs): self.session_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.conversation = Conversation() # get action list from the enum class as a list openai.api_key = configs.open_ai_api_key self.openai = openai self.openai_model = configs.open_ai_model self.openai_api_url = configs.open_ai_api_url self.openai_temperature = configs.open_ai_temperature self.logger = SessionLogger(configs.loger_location)
[docs] def set_system_prompt(self, system_prompt: str): self.conversation.add_message("system", system_prompt)
[docs] def get_messages(self) -> List[Dict]: """ Return the list of messages from the current conversation """ # Exclude the SYSTEM_PROMPT when returning the history if len(self.conversation.conversation_history) == 1: return [] return self.conversation.conversation_history[1:]
[docs] def get_chatgpt_response(self, user_message: str) -> str: """ For the given user_message, get the response from ChatGPT """ self.conversation.add_message("user", user_message) token_count = num_tokens_from_messages(self.conversation.conversation_history, self.openai_model) self.logger.log_chat('user', token_count, user_message) try: chatgpt_response = self._chat_completion_request( self.conversation.conversation_history ) chatgpt_message = chatgpt_response['choices'][0]['message']['content'] self.conversation.add_message("assistant", chatgpt_message) self.logger.log_chat('user', -1, chatgpt_message) return chatgpt_message except Exception as e: print(e) raise IntentResolutionException("Intent could not be resolved.")
def _chat_completion_request(self, messages: List[Dict]): headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer " + self.openai.api_key, } json_data = {"model": self.openai_model, "messages": messages, "temperature": float(self.openai_temperature)} try: response = self.openai_api_url, headers=headers, json=json_data, ) return response.json()["choices"][0]["message"] except Exception as e: print("Unable to generate ChatCompletion response") print(f"Exception: {e}") return e
[docs] def end_session(self): self.logger.close_file()