Source code for dronebuddylib.utils.utils

import pkg_resources

from dronebuddylib.models.enums import DroneCommands
from dronebuddylib.utils.exceptions import MissingConfigurationException

[docs] def create_system_drone_action_list() -> str: list_actions = [ for e in DroneCommands] action_string = "" for action in list_actions: action_string = action_string + action + "\n" return action_string
[docs] def get_current_intents() -> dict: text_file_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "resources/intentrecognition/intents.txt") try: with open(text_file_path, "r") as file: # Read the contents of the file line by line lines = file.readlines() lines_without_newline = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in lines] intent_list = [line for line in lines_without_newline if line] intent_dict = {} for intent in intent_list: intent_name, intent_description = intent.split("=") intent_dict[intent_name] = intent_description return intent_dict except FileNotFoundError as e: raise FileNotFoundError("The specified file is not found.", e) from e
[docs] def create_custom_drone_action_list(custom_actions: dict) -> str: action_string = "" for action in custom_actions: action_string = action_string + action + "\n" return action_string
[docs] def config_validity_check(class_requirements: list, provided_configs: dict, algo_name: str): if len(provided_configs) == 0 and len(class_requirements) > 0: raise MissingConfigurationException(algo_name, "All") for req_key in class_requirements: try: provided_configs.pop(req_key, None) except KeyError: raise MissingConfigurationException(algo_name, req_key)