VOSK Voice Recognition

The official documentation for vosk can be found here.


To install VOSK Integration run the following snippet, which will install the required dependencies

pip install dronebuddylib[SPEECH_RECOGNITION_VOSK]


The OpenAi integration module requires the following configurations to function

  1. SPEECH_RECOGNITION_VOSK_LANGUAGE_MODEL_PATH - This is the path to the model that you have downloaded. This is a compulsory parameter if you are using any other language. If this is not provided, the default model will be used. The default model is the english model ( vosk-model-small-en-us-0.15 ). Vosk supported languages can be found here.

Code Example

engine_configs = EngineConfigurations({})
engine_configs.add_configuration(Configurations.SPEECH_RECOGNITION_VOSK_LANGUAGE_MODEL_PATH, "0.7")

engine = SpeechToTextEngine(SpeechRecognitionAlgorithm.VOSK_SPEECH_RECOGNITION, engine_configs)
result = engine.recognize_speech(audio_steam=data)

How to use with the mic

import pyaudio
from dronebuddylib.atoms.speechrecognition.speech_to_text_engine import SpeechToTextEngine
from dronebuddylib.models.engine_configurations import EngineConfigurations
from dronebuddylib.models.enums import Configurations, SpeechRecognitionAlgorithm

mic = pyaudio.PyAudio()

# initialize speech to text engine
engine_configs = EngineConfigurations({})
engine_configs.add_configuration(Configurations.SPEECH_RECOGNITION_VOSK_LANGUAGE_MODEL_PATH, "C:/users/project/resources/speechrecognition/vosk-model-small-en-us-0.15")

engine = SpeechToTextEngine(SpeechRecognitionAlgorithm.VOSK_SPEECH_RECOGNITION, engine_configs)

# this method receives the audio input from pyaudio and returns the command
def get_command():
    listening = True
    stream = mic.open(format=pyaudio.paInt16, channels=1, rate=44100, input=True, frames_per_buffer=8192)

    while listening:
            # chunks the audio stream to a byte stream
            data = stream.read(8192)
            recognized = engine.recognize_speech(audio_steam=data)
            if recognized is not None:
                listening = False
                return recognized
        except Exception as e:


The output will be given in the following json format

        'recognized_speech': "",
        'total_billed_time': ""
  • recognized_speech - Text with the recognized speech

  • total_billed_time - if a paid service the billed time, but for vosk this will be empty